Saturday, January 13, 2018

Amidst The Feigned Piety, A Smutty Underbelly

In 2016 when he was preparing to interview Hillary Clinton at an Iowa firehouse, Chris Matthews requested some of the "queen's [Hillary's] water" and then asked for "those Bill Cosby pills" that he jokes he brought along with him. Matthews' crew and others laughed nervously as the cringed over a joke about Cosby drugging young women before he allegedly sexually assaulted them.
Now, understand this -- we're not accusing Matthews of anything other than smugness, phoniness, bad manners and a relentless double standard.
Though Matthews later apologized, this is not the first or only incident of its type involving him. It's a pattern -- and not just with Matthews.
And the big problem here is that these presumptuous media types act holier-than-thou, never hesitating to ramrod others for the slightest indiscretion while conveniently ignoring, excusing, covering up or laughing off their own boorish and often downright smutty behavior.
It's the feigned piety, the phoniness and the imperious double-standard that we object to, OK?
How dare they presume to wantonly cast aspersions on others? How dare they?

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