Wednesday, January 3, 2018

He's Gearing Up, Raising Funds, Charging Ahead

Jeff Bartos and his campaign for Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor are reporting a staggering $849,198.68 cash on hand going into 2018.

“Throughout all of 2017, voters have been rallying behind our team’s conservative agenda that will restore hope and opportunity for all Pennsylvanians – and this year-end filing proves it,” said Jeff Bartos. “After I decided to join the Scott Wagner for Governor team as the Lieutenant Governor candidate in November, Scott and I knew how critical it was that we maintained our momentum and continued spreading our pro-growth message all across the Commonwealth. The $849,000 cash on hand at the end of 2017 demonstrates that our message is being heard loud and clear, as voters know this is the time to shake up the status quo and reclaim their voice in Harrisburg.”

Bartos added: “Each contribution we received this year will help our campaign continue fighting for a more accountable state government; one that will promote economic policies to make home ownership, healthcare, and education more affordable and accessible. I want to thank everyone who took the time to contributed to our campaign – their support is tremendously appreciated."

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