Monday, January 15, 2018

Let's See If We Can Get This Straight . . .

A special message to our Democrat/liberal friends. Can you explain the following:

  • You march through the streets dressed as vaginas shouting "F - - K TRUMP!" and you're offended when he allegedly uses the word sh - - hole?
  • You kill the President of the United States in effigy; you pose with a blood-dripping mockup of his severed head and you're offended by the word sh - - hole?
  • You not only excuse but even celebrate the killing of 58 million unborn babies and you're offended by the word sh - - hole?
  • You exalt, coverup for and/or excuse well-known sexual predators and you're offended by the word sh - - hole?
  • You cavort with and honor people who defile our flag, call for the murder of our first responders, brazenly disrespect our nation and its military and you're offended by the word sh - - hole?
There's an inherent contradiction here -- even if you consider the term you object to in context and even if you believe (without definitive proof) that the person actually used this term. 
Granting all that, there's still a contradiction -- yes, a contradiction just like this one:
  • You insist that we enter into direct negotiations with North Korea but you refuse to act civilly toward, enter into a dialogue with or even recognize supporters of the President of the United States in your own country!
Botton line: 
Your erroneous zones are showing.
Perhaps you seriously need to undertake a thorough, personal assessment of your rationality - pronto!

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