Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Remember The Names Of The Filthy Fourteen!

Fourteen "Catholic" senators voted in Washington yesterday to allow second-trimester abortions to continue -- abortions at 20 weeks or more.
They did this by voting not to advance a bill that would ban such abortions. In fact, they wouldn't even let the Senate vote on the bill itself. Instead, they voted to effectively block it from a vote.
Nearly all Republicans voted to advance the bill.
Nearly all Democrats voted to block it.
Two Republican women (both "Catholic") voted to block it: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine. Their votes were particularly egregious. But all of the senators listed below who call themselves "Catholic" are a disgrace. All of them!
Every one of the fourteen should be roundly condemned by every member of the clergy in the United States -- every priest, nun, bishop, cardinal, brother, etc.
All faithful Catholics should call the offices of these senators and express their outrage.
Here they are: The Filthy Fourteen:

  • Maria Cantwell – Washington
  • Susan Collins -Maine
  • Dick Durbin – Illinois
  • Kirsten Gillibrand – New York
  • Heidi Heitkamp – North Dakota
  • Tim Kaine – Virginia
  • Patrick Leahy – Vermont
  • Ed Markey – Massachussetts
  • Catherine Cortez Masto – Nevada
  • Claire McCaskill – Missouri
  • Bob Menendez – New Jersey
  • Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
  • Patty Murray – Washington
  • Jack Reed – Rhode Island
Click here to read more.

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