Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sixty Years Of Giving Hope To All . . .

At a news conference this morning, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. launched the 2018 Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA), the single largest fundraising initiative in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The theme for this year’s Appeal is “60 Years of Giving Hope to All” and the fundraising goal is $12.5 million.

The announcement took place at Saint Katherine Day School in Wynnewood (Montgomery County), one of four Archdiocesan Schools of Special Education. All four schools receive funding from CCA.

CCA beneficiaries are grouped into five areas of ministry: Education; Social Services; Evangelization, Parish and Spiritual Life; Clergy; and Local Mission Activities. These beneficiaries provide services and support to some of the most in need, at risk, and vulnerable segments of the population in the Philadelphia metropolitan area who come from all walks of life and various faith traditions.

Archbishop Chaput said, “For 60 years, generous people like you have responded to Christ’s call to help those in need by donating over $290 million dollars. For 60 years, you have enabled us to feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless, and comfort the afflicted. By supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal, you are helping students with special needs receive the Catholic Education they deserve, you are helping desperate families get back on their feet, and helping to bring joy to the lives of the aged and lonely. Many things have changed since 1958, when the Archdiocese of Philadelphia launched the Catholic Charities Appeal, but some things remain the same – 60 years later poverty, hunger, and homelessness still remain serious challenges in our community.”

In 2017, CCA helped to ensure the vitality of countless organizations and ministries throughout the five-county Archdiocese. The Appeal, along with funding drives for select beneficiaries and a generous bequest, met its $12.5 million goal last year.

Note: To donate or to obtain more information about the Catholic Charities Appeal, please visit

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