Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Cunning Behind All The Cheap 'Consciousness'

A leaked memo reveals the real strategy behind the Dems "compassionate" championing of the "dreamers" and their cause. 
There aren't any ideals or lofty aims or righteous goals behind this, folks.
It's all about politics. They want these people here because they want their votes -- and they want more and more and more of them. They're selling the rest of us down the river to try to shore up their own sorry assses. That's what this all about.
The Libs and the Dems don't have the plans, the vision or the issues to win amongst hard-working, everyday, common-sense ordinary Americans. All they have is phony outrage, and they know it.
So, they're trying to recruit a whole new voting public to save them.
What a disgrace!

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