Friday, January 19, 2018

Yes, We've Won Some VERY Important Battles!

Here is a very special message from

CV is at the March for Life in Washington! 

It’s almost 50 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. God has truly blessed the marchers this year. 

Tomorrow will also mark the completion of President Trump’s first year. So I thought it important to recount how much progress has been made on behalf of the pro-life cause this past year. 

  • Not only did President Trump reinstate the pro-life Mexico City Policy, but he dramatically expanded it. This protected $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the abortion industry oversees.
  • President Trump signed H.J. Res 43 into law, which overturned an 11th hour regulation from the Obama administration that prevented states from defunding Planned Parenthood.

  • Mike Pence became the first sitting Vice President to address the March for Life in person. Today, Donald Trump became the first sitting President to address the March via live video (previous Presidents have addressed the event via telephone or recorded message.)
  • The President cut off U.S. taxpayer funding for the U.N. population fund, which partners with China’s brutal program of forced abortion and sterilization.
  • The Trump administration issued a guidance to enforce the requirement that no taxpayer money support coverage for abortion in Obamacare exchange plans.  
  • This week, the Trump administration announced the creation of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services. This new office is dedicated to protecting the conscience rights and religious freedom of health care professionals.
  • The administration is also backing this commitment to religious freedom and conscience rights by restricting Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare funds from being used by entities who discriminate against health care professionals who object to participating in certain health care policies because of their deeply-held beliefs.
There have been setbacks as well. We missed defunding Planned Parenthood by just one vote in the Senate, while permanent conscience protections still linger in Congress.

HERE’S THE BEST NEWS: I’ve spent the past 48 hours in Washington D.C. meeting with members of Congress, staff and other pro-life activists. There is a palpable excitement in the air. New ideas are being discussed, new legislative strategies are being drafted, and there will be a big push this year to break through the barriers and make even more progress.

While we have leaders in Congress and the White House ready to push our agenda forward, the lawmakers I have met with have been adamant: they cannot do anything unless the grassroots rises up and demands action.

Thank you for working with us and fighting for the most important issue in America.

Let’s continue to fight for the unborn in 2018!

Brian Burch


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