Friday, February 16, 2018

Act NOW To Fight 'The View's' Anti-Christian Tirade!

Following is a special, urgent message from the Media Research Center, MRC:

This week The View hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin mocked the Vice-President’s faith — labeling Christianity as “dangerous” and a “mental illness.” This is unacceptable.

So far, the MRC Grassroots Army has made over 8,000 calls to share their opinions with ABC. Let's keep the momentum going!

If you haven’t yet, please take a minute to call ABC at (888) 994-8384. Let them know that such hypocritical behavior is offensive.

If you’ve already called, please call ABC again at (888) 994-8384. Let the executives at ABC know that anti-Christian remarks have no place in our society.

ABC’s The View has never shied away from attacks on Christians and conservatives.

As long as someone is not on the Left’s list of protected groups (such as Muslims), they are considered fair game to the hosts of The View. However, their recent attacks on Vice President Pence and Christianity have gone beyond the pale. It is vital that our voices are heard and that we stand up to these bigots and bullies in the media.

In fact, just yesterday, Vice President Pence ripped out of touch ABC for promoting religious intolerance on The View - take a look!

To support this effort, MRC President Brent Bozell has authored an open letter to ABC President James Goldston condemning these attacks and demanding an apology from the network.

Read the full letter from Brent to ABC President Goldston, here.

Dan, thank you for your continued support and your efforts to fight back against the toxic influence of liberal media bias. Together, our Grassroots Army can take on any of these liberal media giants.

—MRC Action Team

P.S. Check out this recording of Brent Bozell’s fantastic Facebook Live event from yesterday afternoon where he discusses this and more.

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