Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Don't Delay! Take Action NOW To Stop Hatred!

Here is a very special message from the Media Research Center (MRC):

The MRC Grassroots Army has now made over 27,500 calls to ABC’s executive office since Thursday, Feb 15th! (See here to read an article on Fox News when we were at 25,000.) Folks are demanding an apology for the vile attacks on Christianity made on The View.

This is an all-time record for MRC Action call-in campaigns.

Keep the momentum going by calling in again, or for the first time, using ABC’s contact info below. ABC has remained silent and has failed to apologize for their wildly offensive comments.

In the meantime, the MRC is preparing a battle plan for next steps.

Call ABC and tell them, STOP ATTACKING CHRISTIANITY! (888) 994-8384

We are floored by MRC members’ enthusiasm and willingness to take action and stand up against such bigotry and offensive behavior.

Again, stay tuned as we work on our next steps for this week in this important campaign...

—MRC Action Team

P.S. Please help support this ongoing effort by making a sustaining contribution to the MRC of $5/month. It’s a massive help for us to sponsor the mobilization of these efforts.

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