Wednesday, February 21, 2018

To 'Feel Cared For And Secure' . . .

The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP) has selected Catholic Housing and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (formerly Catholic Health Care Services) as its official partner and beneficiary for the first quarter if its inaugural Community Outreach Initiative.

CFGP’s Community Outreach Initiative is a year-long charitable effort to raise critical funds for four unique organizations located throughout the Philadelphia region. Each organization will address a different community affection. All four organizations selected will have its own fundraising effort lasting throughout its respective quarter, culminating in a designated “Day of Giving.”

CFGP has partnered with Catholic Housing and Community Services (CHCS) to address the aging populations in Philadelphia who are often overlooked. CHCS is a leading provider of senior living services throughout the Philadelphia region. Dedicated staff are committed to providing the best quality support for seniors and their loved ones through senior programs. Programs include senior housing, senior centers, older adult care management, in-home support programs, adult day care, elder care helpline, and senior clubs.

Monsignor Paul M. Kennedy, President of the CHCS Board Committee and Pastor of Saint Katherine of Siena Parish in Northeast Philadelphia said, “The great work that is being done in parishes through Catholic Housing and Community Services is a concrete example of how generous donations go directly to assist those who have supported the Church over the years. Helping to keep seniors in their homes, amid familiar surroundings and in their neighborhood can be a true blessing. Connecting them with the parish and with other agencies helps them to feel cared for and secure. Rather than becoming prisoners in the home, they stay connected to the outside world and have the security that comes from knowing that others are concerned for them and their wellbeing."

CHCS’ designated “Day of Giving” is slated for February 21, 2018 The initiative will wrap up at the end of quarter one. To make a donation, please visit

Note: To learn more about Catholic Housing and Community Services, please visit

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