Thursday, March 8, 2018

When The Church Forgets Them, It Loses Its Soul!

Remember the saints?
Remember all the saints?
Their stories of boundless faith uplift us, inspire us, enrich us and urge us onward in our own faith journey.
But too often these days the Catholic Church forgets and/or neglects the saints. We don't see shrines, alters and prayer stations in churches that are dedicated to the saints the way we once did. And we don't hear about them nearly as much in Church. It's as if they've been devalued -- simply discarded somewhere along the way.
The Catholic Church secularizes and/or abandons the saints at its own peril. Right now, the Church needs the saints more them ever before -- and so do we, as we comprise the body of the Church.
That's why we're taking a minute here to remember them and reflect on this sad state of affairs.
Pray to bring the saints back to prominence in the life of the Church.
Remember them.
Honor them.
Venerate them!
Click here to learn more about the saints.

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