Monday, April 30, 2018

Always, ALWAYS Looking For MORE Taxes!

Monday afternoon, Gov. Tom Wolf once again called for the passage of an economy-stifling natural gas severance tax.

In response, Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Val DiGiorgio made the following statement:

“In another futile attempt to quench his insatiable appetite for cradle-to-grave tax increases, Gov. Tom Wolf has once again chosen his ideology over pragmatism in calling for this economy-stifling natural gas severance tax.

“Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry is already struggling under Gov. Wolf’s onerous regulations. Now, by pushing for a potentially crippling severance tax, Gov. Wolf seeks to further harm an industry that has significantly lowered Pennsylvania families’ energy bills and has huge potential to create family sustaining jobs.

“Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry has generated over $3 billion in regular tax revenue to Pennsylvania since 2008 and nearly $1.5 billion in impact fee money since 2012, which largely goes to local communities in all of Pennsylvania’s counties.

“We ask Gov. Wolf to put pragmatism over politics and support our natural gas industry.”

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