Saturday, April 7, 2018

He Seems To Think It's A New Gilded Age!

Reprinted with permission from our friends at the Save Jersey blog

Less than three months into his gubernatorial tenure, Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) has acknowledged New Jersey’s dire fiscal condition but continues to spend like it’s a new Gilded Age.

A massively expensive “free” college plan, unveiled Thursday, is one of the more extreme examples.

Something less large-scale? But no less gross for it?

Also on Thursday, news broke that Murphy spent approximately $13,000 on a new door for the office of New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy.

The new entrance converts a conference room near the Governor’s own office into a private office for his wife.

NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt was the only Republican with a title to open his mouth about Tammy Murphy’s opulent doorway.

“If Governor Murphy is going to raise billions of dollars in taxes on all New Jersey residents, maybe he could put cosmetic projects like the First Lady’s office on hold,” said Steinhardt. “$13,000 for a new door could be a lot of updated text books for our children’s schools.”

Steinhardt gets it, Save Jerseyans.

This is bigger than an argument over dollars and cents. This is an issue of priorities.

At a time when New Jersey is hemorrhaging residents and having trouble meeting basic obligations, are extravagances like free tuition, and legal aid for illegal aliens, and $13,000 doors REALLY where our hard-earned money should be going? Even if you’re a hard-set Leftist who ordinarily agrees with subsidizing everything under the sun?

We need to hear more Republicans speaking out about this sort of stuff — rather than the banal press releases concerning renamed roads and obscure legislation — if they want to regain relevancy sometime in the next decade. That door is rapidly closing.

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