Wednesday, April 11, 2018

YOU Can Find Your Calling: Your Greatest Gift!

On Facebook, somebody brought up the subject of work and asked: "Since when did WHO you are become your side job?"
I wasn't sure what prompted the question or exactly how to interpret it.
But, I chose to take a stab at it anyway. Here's how I answered:
It took me nearly a lifetime to learn that you are not defined by your job. 
Your job is just that -- a way to earn a living.
Having said that, let us add that if you are unhappy in your job or if you're doing something you don't like or something you don't want to do, then you've got a real problem because the time you spend on the job is, in most cases, a VERY big part of your life.
So, ideally your job should fulfill your calling. Yes, your calling -- the thing you were meant to do from the very beginning.
Think of it this way: God gave each of us special and unique talents. Every one of us has been given this gift. Find out what your special and unique talent(s) is/are. That's your challenge. When you find that, you've found what you were meant to do -- what you were put on this earth for. When you find that something, that talent -- pursue it. Pursue it passionately.
Then, you've found more than a job -- you've found your calling. And THAT -- day in and day out -- will bring you joy!

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