Saturday, May 12, 2018

Here's What You Should Be Reading This Week!

Los Angeles Times 
“President Trump scored a diplomatic victory on Wednesday as North Korea freed three imprisoned U.S. citizens to return to the United States with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a goodwill gesture from the North's dictator, Kim Jong Un,” the Los Angeles Times reports. The President met the returnees at 3 a.m. ET on Thursday at Joint Base Andrews to welcome them home.

Fox News
Under President Trump, the Department of Health and Human Services is formulating the most ambitious reform of drug pricing in American history. “Securing the benefits of 21st century medicine demands major changes to how our country pays for prescription drugs,” write three senior health officials in the Trump Administration.
- USA Today
“At least five senior Islamic State officials have been captured in a three-month operation by Iraqi and American intelligence,” Doug Stanglin reports. The captures were announced this week on Iraqi state television.
- Time 
This week, President Trump announced that America will reinstate “the highest level of economic sanctions” on the Iranian regime. “The Iran deal is defective at its core,” the President said. “If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapon.”
- CNN 
The President signed an Executive Order on Wednesday making it “easier for the nation's military spouses to find employment as their families deploy domestically and abroad,” Betsy Klein reports. “We can never repay you for all that you do,” President Trump told military families who joined him at the White House.
The Hill 
Gina Haspel, President Trump’s pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, “appeared to bolster her chances of being confirmed” at her hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee this week, The Hill reports. “She is a 33-year career veteran of the agency who has been endorsed by former intelligence officials associated with both parties.”
The Guardian 
First Lady Melania Trump unveiled her “Be Best” initiative at the White House this week. “The public awareness campaign encourages adults to teach children how to be good citizens. She said the campaign would also focus on the issues of opioid abuse,” The Guardian reports.

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