Thursday, May 3, 2018

NJ SHOCKER: Teachers Union Honcho Suspended!

In this undercover investigation, Union City Education Association President Kathleen Valencia explains that the union would protect a teacher who physically abused a "scumbag" student and the teacher would not lose his job.
Valencia says the teacher would be "fine" because the student is too scared to come forward: 
"Did the kid’s parent come in? No? Nothing happened… There’s no video? Nothing happened… [The teacher] is fine.” She also explains how the union would legally protect the teacher, stating “I’m going to get your brother a lawyer. Your brother’s not going to admit anything happened. The only witness is the scumbag kid… he’s got a record.” 
She then tells the undercover journalist of a horrifying real-life scenario: “This file right here is from a teacher who had sex with a student. This file is about whether or not the teacher gets to keep his pension. Is he going to jail? No. How come? Because the child’s not pressing charges. There’s no proof.” 
Asked to comment, a statement from the school district says Valencia has been suspended. She is reportedly he second teacher to be suspended in this matter.
"The board finds the comments that were made deeply disturbing and inappropriate because they in no way reflect the views, and core beliefs and values, of our school district, or of the professionalism of our educators, and other employees," the statement says. "We have no governing control over the UCEA, its policies or procedures — we are separate and distinct entities. The UCEA does not speak for our school district."

Veritas will be releasing more undercover videos of teachers unions from ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY in the coming days and weeks. 

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