Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Chance To Be Part Of A History-Making Event!

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is sponsoring an eleven day pilgrimage throughout Italy for the canonization of Blessed Pope Paul VI and Blessed Archbishop Oscar Romero. Pope Francis will preside at these ceremonies at the Basilica of Saint Peter on Sunday, October 14th.

In addition to the Canonization Mass, the journey will feature a private tour of Saint Peter’s Basilica, a visit to the Catacombs to see where the early Christians buried their dead and prayed in secret, a tour of the Vatican Museums including the Sistine Chapel, day trips to the cities of Orvieto, Assisi and San Giovanni, site of the tomb of Saint Padre Pio, and a walking tour of major Roman attractions including the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain as well as other historic landmarks. Father Dennis Gill, Director of the Office for Divine Worship and Rector of the Cathedral Basilica, will lead the group.

Pilgrims will leave Philadelphia Friday, October 12th and return Monday, October 22nd. Registration for this pilgrimage is due by July 6th.

Note: For more information about the pilgrimage, contact Select International Tours at 1-800-842-4842.

Interested parties can register online at

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