Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Not-So-Gentle Reminder: NO Obstruction, Please!

Remember: In 2010 (a midterm election year) Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama on May 10 and confirmed by the Senate on August 5 -- less than three months later.
Yes, it was an election year with both the Senate and the House up for grabs.
Yes, there was an extensive hearing on the nominee (who was fully vetted) with open debate and discussion.
Yes, the Senate was able to fulfill its duty to advise and consent in a timely fashion even though the entire House and one-third of the Senate faced election.
This was OK with Republicans then (five of whom joined in supporting Kagan) and so it should be fine with Democrats now.
Don't let anyone tell you this can't be done or that it should not be done.
It can, should and must be done.
So, let's get on with the nomination and confirmation process!

BTW: Sonia Sotomayor was also nominated by President Obama in May and confirmed by the Senate in August of the same year!

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