Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hey, Don't Miss These 'Resolute Reads' . . .


The Washington Times
First Lady Melania Trump visited a shelter in McAllen, Texas, on Thursday “to thank law enforcement officials and social service providers for their work,” Dave Boyer and Stephen Dinan report. The First Lady also met children at the Upbring New Hope Children’s Shelter, which is run by Lutheran Social Services.
Washington Examiner
“The two-year-old Honduran girl who has become a symbol of family separation at the border was never separated from her mother, according to her father,” Katelyn Caralle reports. “Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, who still lives in Honduras, told the Daily Mail he was told this week that his wife Sandra and daughter Yanela Denise are being held together in a family residential center.”
USA Today
“We do not want to separate parents from their children. What we want is a safe, lawful system of immigration that would end this question altogether. We want to build a wall to prevent illegal entry. Congress could make that happen quickly — and they should,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions writes in USA Today.
The Wall Street Journal
“In only six months, the economy has been reinvigorated—and the best is yet to come. That’s because the new tax code leapfrogs America’s competitors abroad. The U.S. is now at the head of the pack—one of the best places on the planet to find that next job, to build that new manufacturing plant, or to set up company headquarters,” Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) writes in The Wall Street Journal.
The Hill
OMB Deputy Director of Management Margaret Weichert lays out how the Trump Administration plans to reorganize the federal government to better serve the American people, balancing “the mission, service and stewardship responsibilities of the executive branch, while reducing inefficiency, risk and duplication.”
Washington Examiner
Paul Bedard writes that “in a stunning turnaround sparked by the improving economy and last December’s tax cuts, over 95 percent of manufacturers have turned bullish about their future, an all-time record,” according to a new survey from the National Association of Manufacturers. “This record optimism is no accident. It is fueled by the game-changing tax reform passed six months ago,” NAM President Jay Timmons said in a statement.
The Wall Street Journal
In The Wall Street Journal, National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro writes that President Trump’s recently announced tariffs “will form a critical line of defense against predatory trade practices China has used to the detriment of American industries.” Navarro adds that “the president won’t back down when America’s economic prosperity and national security are at stake.”
The Washington Post
“On Monday, President Trump signed Space Policy Directive 3, America’s first comprehensive space traffic management policy,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross writes in The Washington Post. “To remain the flag of choice for commercial space activity, it is imperative that the United States lead this effort and enhance U.S.-based space activities.”

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