Sunday, June 10, 2018

Oh, How He Disgraced And Dishonored Only Himself!

Robert De Niro kept the CBS censors busy Sunday night, shouting “F— Trump” more than once at the 72nd annual Tony Awards.
Walking on the stage of Radio City Music Hall to introduce a performance by Bruce Springsteen, De Niro shouted the obscene anti-Trump battle cry and pumped both fists beside his head.
De Niro's conduct was disgraceful -- a new low for Hollywood, Broadway and the performing "arts" community. Please, don't ever patronize this ignorant, disgusting man in any way again! Join us now  in condemning his hateful, disrespectful, divisive and defamatory behavior.
BTW: Those who stood like mindless, syncopated marionettes to applaud De Niro are doing themselves a monstrous disservice and, in the end, they are fooling only themselves, They live in a foolish, isolated world and remain increasingly out of touch with the ordinary, everyday people who make America the great nation that it is. So, shame on De Niro's clueless live audience, too! 

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