Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Brave, Selfless, Devoted And Absolutely Essential!

The real stories of those who protect our borders 

Protecting our country is what we ask our law enforcement community to do each and every day for their fellow Americans. The Department of Homeland Security reminds us that the brave men and women of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are no different. These selfless Americans put themselves in harm's way each time they go to work to look out for their neighbors and their country.

Their stories are remarkable, though you likely wouldn't know it from watching the nightly news. In the past few weeks alone, agents have rescued a 6-year-old Costa Rican childabandoned in 100-degree heat by a smuggler, seized a cache of assault weapons that included 962 rounds of ammunition, and intercepted more than $4.2 million worth of alleged crystal methamphetamine.

These agents do difficult, dangerous work that affects Americans' lives far beyond our border—they keep communities across the country safe from drugs, violence, and the consequences of human trafficking. They deserve our gratitude, not calls for the elimination of their agencies, as more and more prominent Democrats are beginning to do.

A 400-year-old relationship 

President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands to the White House yesterday for bilateral talks on trade, investment, and security. "The relationship between the Netherlands and the United States is over 400 years old," Prime Minister Rutte said. "We are allies. We have always been friends."

When it comes to trade, President Trump made it clear that the key word is fair. "We are very close to making some very good trade deals—fair trade deals. I didn't want to say 'good'; I wanted to say 'fair'—fair trade deals for our taxpayers and for our workers and our farmers."

Photo of the Day 

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks 
First Lady Melania Trump visits a classroom at the Upbring New Hope Children's Shelter in McAllen, Texas | June 21, 2018

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