Saturday, July 14, 2018

Don't Miss These Cogent Stories Now . . .

The Washington Post
“If allies don’t invest in real, usable military capabilities, NATO will become irrelevant,” American Enterprise Institute Fellow Marc Thiessen explains. “NATO needs some tough love, and Trump is delivering it. Thanks to him, the alliance will be stronger as a result.”
New York Post
“Once again staying true to his campaign promises, President Trump just nominated Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. It’s an excellent choice — though the coming wave of fear-mongering may hide that fact for a while,” the New York Post Editorial Board writes. “Judge Kavanaugh, 53, is widely seen as one of the top legal minds of his generation.”
- Fox News 
“Throughout history, leaders of entrenched power structures have not reacted well to change. But President Trump has courage to take them on when necessary,” David Bossie writes in Fox News. “The bottom line is that if all 29 countries in NATO made good on their 2 percent commitment, the U.S. taxpayer would be paying less.”
The Daily Caller 
“NATO’s top civilian leader thanked President Donald Trump on Tuesday for pushing alliance members to boost their own defense spending, saying his blunt criticism is part of the reason why more allies are expected to hit spending targets this year,” Will Racke reports. “It is clearly having an impact,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.
Cincinnati Enquirer
“Judge Kavanaugh’s qualifications are so obvious, and his reputation so excellent, that these unhinged attacks may be all that remains in the far left’s arsenal. But the American people will not fall for these tricks. Neither should the United States Senate,” writes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
- Fox News 
First Daughter and Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes that paid family leave is an investment in America’s families and deserves bipartisan support. “Republicans are at the table, with sincere interest and rolled-up sleeves, looking for smart policy solutions that will empower American working families,” she writes.
“A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows that most voters oppose eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement — the homeland security agency some liberal Democrats have called for abolishing,” Steven Shepard reports.
Washington Examiner
“For the second time in two weeks, a new national survey has found that most Americans -- and especially Hispanics -- feel that they are better off under President Trump than they were under former President Obama,” Paul Bedard writes. The Emerson College survey found “that 42 percent feel better off, compared to 26 percent who feel worse off.”
USA Today
Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) condemned the left’s calls to abolish ICE this week. “In border communities, law enforcement agencies like ICE aren't the enemy: they're a lifeline,” he writes. “There, this isn’t a political debate — it’s real life. The impact of illegal drug cartels, human trafficking, and child sex trafficking on communities and families is real and raw.”
Chicago Tribune
Samantha Bomkamp reports that in Granite City, Illinois, a steel plant has reopened thanks to President Trump’s tariffs. “Nearly half of the returning 800 U.S. Steel jobs will be filled with employees who were laid off in 2015 when the plant was idled,” she writes.

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