Friday, July 6, 2018

Great News, Great Week, Great Celebrations . . .

The jobs keep coming 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly jobs report today, revealing that more than 200,000 jobs were added to the economy last month. Average hourly earnings for workers increased, as well.

Critics' pessimistic predictions about the U.S. economy under President Trump have not held up. Business fixed investment grew by 9.2 percent during the first quarter of 2018, while hourly compensation for private-sector workers grew at a 4 percent annual rate—the fastest pace in at least 12 years.

The President's tax cuts played a huge part. "Not only are American firms putting money back to work in the U.S., but foreign firms are as well," Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Kevin Hassett said. Treasurer of the United States Jovita Carranza called tax cuts a "great, great return for the taxpayers."

Who will President Trump nominate to the Court? 

On Monday, President Trump will announce his nominee to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy as the Supreme Court's next Associate Justice. "Justice Kennedy has been a tireless voice for individual rights and the Founders' enduring vision of limited government," the President said.

Stay up to date on President Trump's nominee, the confirmation process, and the larger fight to restore the rule of law in America using the link below. When Justice Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the High Court last year, President Trump called his nomination process "one of the most transparent and accessible in history."

Video of the week: Fourth of July, behind the scenes

President Trump and the First Lady hosted military families and other guests on the South Lawn Wednesday for Independence Day. Take an inside look at what goes into putting on a White House celebration for thousands of visitors.


Photo of the Day 

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump watch 4th of July fireworks at the White House | July 4, 2018

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