Thursday, July 12, 2018

How You Can Help Fight Back And Score A WIN!

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Here is a very special message from

The pick is in. Brett Kavanaugh is the choice. 

So what’s next? 

Here’s what you can expect: 

PHASE 1: Who will define Brett Kavanaugh? Will he be known as an “evil woman-hater”? Or a humble, fair, and highly-qualified constitutionalist? Left wing groups are already attempting to smear Kavanaugh as a reckless judge. Planned Parenthood predictably is warning about Roe v. Wade (as they should!). The Human Rights Campaign is screaming about threats to so-called “LGBTQ equality.” And NARAL has gone totally crazy, saying: “We’ll be DAMNED if we’re going to let five MEN--including some frat boy named Brett--strip us of our hard-won bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.” 

CV and our allies are fighting back, telling the truth about his impressive personal biography, record of legal excellence, and his commitment to the Constitution and the proper role of a judge. CV leaders are already doing interviews with major radio stations and publications across the country. 

The fight over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court promises to get even crazier in the days and weeks ahead. 

PHASE 2: The confirmation hearing extravaganza. Brett Kavanaugh will go before the Senate Judiciary Committee and be grilled for days, hopefully in early September. We expect the Left to do what they always do: lie, smear, and distort the truth. CV is preparing for these intense days with our own campaign to defend Kavanaugh and fight his opponents with the truth. 

PHASE 3: The race for votes, votes, votes. Republicans hold a 1-seat majority in the United States Senate. And at least two of those Republicans are pro-abortion. This means massive pressure must be marshalled to secure enough votes. We will be focused on key Democrat Senators from red states, including Joe Donnelly (IN), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), and Joe Manchin (WV), all of whom voted previously for Neil Gorsuch. We are also targeting Senators Claire McCaskill (MO) and Jon Tester (MT), who also represent red states. And don’t forget Doug Jones (who defeated Roy Moore). Alabama is a solid pro-life state. 

Thanks to your help, our ad team is working around the clock on the largest campaign we have ever conducted. Every Catholic, in every parish, will be hearing from us repeatedly in the next 60 days in these battleground states. 

That’s why today we are launching a simple letter that we will be presenting to EVERY Senator in the coming weeks. 

Our message is simple: Catholics want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. Before November. And we will hold you accountable if you fail. 

Please sign our Open Letter from Catholics to Members of the United States Senate. 

For our country, 
Brian Birch, President

P.S. Some CV members have written to ask about concerns over Brett Kavanaugh. The widely respected American Family Association in particular originally opposed the choice. Of note, AFA has since revised their position, and are no longer actively opposed to Kavanaugh’s nomination. 

Separately, we too have reviewed the few concerns raised by those we respect on Kavanaugh. As part of this process, we consulted several dedicated pro-life legal scholars we trust. We remain fully supportive of this nomination and believe the concerns raised have been adequately answered. CV staff is now preparing a longer memo that we hope to publish soon on our website. 

Full speed ahead!  

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