Thursday, August 2, 2018

Catholic Church Scandal: Speak Up NOW

Here is a very special message from

Catholics are fired up. 

In the past 48 hours, nearly 20,000 people have taken our survey on the McCarrick scandal...and the numbers continue to climb. 

CLICK HERE now to take our survey >>> 
Many of the responses have been difficult to read. Catholics are beyond upset. The responses range from anger, to frustration, to discouragement. How did this happen again? Why didn’t anyone speak up? Will anyone be held accountable? Come Lord Jesus... 

We are not yet ready to release the results. But I wanted to share the results so far to question #5. 

“Clean house!” 

That was a common response so far. Those writing that, however, were not just referring to the need for personnel changes (though that too). They sense that something deeper is amiss. And that mere reform of the process (transparency, reporting, accountability) is not enough. 

A prominent Catholic leader wrote to me this week and said that what the Church needs at this moment is a kind of “reformation” -- of an authentic sort. The Church is undergoing a difficult purification brought about by the misdeeds of our own shepherds. But their cowardice, errors in judgement, or complicity in sin are a consequence of widespread lukewarm faith that Satan has exploited. 

We need bishops who want to become saints! 

Boston College philosophy professor Dr. Peter Kreeft wrote a magnificent essay years ago titled “How to Win the Culture War” If you haven’t read it already, I urge you to do so. 

The closing lines of his essay seem especially fitting today: 

“A bishop asked one of the priests of his diocese for recommendations on ways to increase vocations. The priest replied: The best way to attract men in this diocese to the priesthood, Your Excellency, would be your canonization.” 

And ours too. 

Brian Birch, President,

The results of our survey will be sent to all of the Bishops in advance of their General Assembly meeting in November. Imagine a survey with 50,000 or 100,000 responses! Please click here now to take the survey. 
If you have already completed the survey, please consider forwarding this message to Catholic friends and family. 

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