Tuesday, August 28, 2018

C'mon Now -- Here Are Today's MUST Reads!

A Major Victory on Trade

“President Trump won a major victory on trade on Monday, supplanting the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and replacing it with something far more beneficial. The new deal will help American workers and manufacturers. It’s also a win for Mexico,” Christian Whiton writes in Fox News.

Whiton notes that the President’s trade critics “have been proved wrong by an unmitigated victory for the USA. Trump understood the simple math that countries with which we have trade deficits would have to come to the negotiating table.”

In The Washington Times, Gabriella Muñoz reports that “most Americans don’t want to see the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency abolished,” according to a new survey. “Only 24 percent of voters advocated for terminating ICE while a 40 percent plurality disagreed with the proposal. The trend continued across all political parties,” she notes. 
The Trump Administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule “respects how America’s founders limited authority of the federal government for good reason,” the Colorado Springs Gazette Editorial Board writes. “This plan assists states, consumers, and the market in achieving cleaner air with guidelines, proposed technologies, and incentives that work for diverse regions of the country.”
First Lady Melania Trump “planted an Eisenhower oak sapling Monday afternoon on the White House’s South Lawn. . . Mary Jean Eisenhower, the granddaughter of former President Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Emory Gatchell, Jr., a fifth generation grandson of former President James Monroe, joined the First Lady,” Diana Stancy Correll reports in the Washington Examiner.  
“Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's former colleagues at the Kirkland & Ellis law firm sent a letter Monday to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee urging his confirmation by the senate,” Cameron Cawthorne reports in The Washington Free Beacon. “We saw first hand that he consistently displayed a keen intellect, sound judgment, exceptional analytical ability, and the highest level of integrity in representing our clients,” Judge Kavanaugh’s former colleagues write.

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