Thursday, August 9, 2018

Shut Up And Sing? Nah! She Can't Even Do THAT!

We love Broadway.
We love the shows, the performers, the drama, the music, the lights, the color, the spectacle! We love it all.
But we don't like it when the Broadway community allows itself to be blatantly used for political purposes -- one way or the other. Sure, Broadway shows can confront social issues and, through drama and performance, present forms of commentary or a point of view. That's part of what Broadway is all about -- on the stage and in context.
But when Broadway gets beyond that and gets in your face to shout an aggressive partisan message, we say: "Enough!"
People from all over the world and from all walks of life come to Broadway to be entertained. As paying customers they want to be warmly welcomed. They want to see a good show and they want their money's worth. Broadway show tickets aren't cheap and people deserve to receive what they're paying for -- without a dose of partisan politics which they're not (or shouldn't be) paying for.
It the Broadway community is wise, it will avoid the likes of Rosie O'Donnell and other shrill peddlers of liberal divisiveness and hate. In fact, Rosie is hardly a Broadway staple and the Great White Way does quite well without her.
So our advice to Broadway is simple: Deliver the goods. Show us what we came for. Do what you do best. Put on a show and we'll take care of the rest.

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