Saturday, August 4, 2018

Why Is Big Media Hiding This Astounding Number?

A Republican president with nearly 30% support from Black Americans?
YES! You better believe it -- even though Big Media has kept this information from you.
One year ago President Trump's support among African-Americans was 15%. Today, that figure has nearly doubled.
Even 15% would have been impressive for a conservative Republican. But 30%? That's downright beyond belief, right? Well, not when you consider that the economy is booming across the board and Black unemployment is at its lowest level ever. And not when you remember that at a recent meeting of Black leaders at the White House, President Trump was widely lauded for his efforts on behalf of African-Americans.
Yes, folks -- it's really happening.
President Trump asked Black people to give him a chance to show what he could do. And in just one short year, more and more African-Americans have chosen to #WalkAway from the Democrat Party and embrace President Trump and his pro growth economic message and policies.

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