Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A VERY Special Message From The President

This week, three major storms threaten American communities across an area spanning nearly 5,000 miles: Hurricane Florence (the Southeastern coast), Tropical Storm Olivia (Hawaii), and Tropical Storm Isaac (the Caribbean). 
Hurricane Florence in particular poses a catastrophic threat to millions living in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia. The storm is expected to produce total rainfall of 20 to 30 inches, with isolated amounts up to 40 inches. “These numbers are hard to comprehend, but based on past experience, this amount of rain produces life-threatening, catastrophic flooding,” the National Weather Service tweeted. 
President Donald J. Trump met with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, FEMA Administrator Brock Long, and other senior officials yesterday in the Oval Office to discuss preparations. “Hurricane Florence is setting out to be a devastating event,” Administrator Long said, comparing its potential to Hurricane Hugo in 1989. 
The Administration is focused on helping state leaders and the general public alike before, during, and after the storm makes landfall. “We’re supporting the governors with achieving their life safety evacuation and movements,” Administrator Long said. “We’re focused on mass care and sheltering. And then we’ll be focused on helping them to execute their response and recovery goals.”
Earlier this week, President Trump approved emergency declarations for SouthCarolinaNorth Carolina, and Virginia. “I’ve spoken with the governors,” President Trump said yesterday. “They’re prepared. We’re prepared.” 
To all Americans in the path of these storms: Be safe, be ready, and follow the advice of local officials.  
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Photo of the Day

Photo of the day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, are briefed on Hurricane Florence as it approaches the East Coast | September 11, 2018

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