Monday, September 17, 2018

'She Has NO BUSINESS Attending GOP Events . . . '


From our friends at Save Jersey, reprinted with permission
By Daryl Kipnis

I get it, and quite frankly, I don’t care what she has to say about him, and I’m sure he doesn’t either.
However, myself and other Republican House candidates all across New Jersey and around the country are putting ourselves out there around the clock, taking time away from our families, careers and businesses to spread the word about the great accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump and the GOP that the media won’t acknowledge, and letting people in our districts know how we can help them better on a personal level than our respective incumbent or insurgent member of the #Resistance, so that we may continue building on the successes of the #AmericaFirst#MAGA policies that are rocketing our country and our economy forward at an unprecedented velocity.
If the Democrats are permitted to take the House, it’s no secret that they will impeach the President and proceed with their radical agenda of open borders, authoritarian socialism, and the persecution of all those who disagree with them.
I am at a loss to understand why in God’s name Gov. Whitman would wish that upon everyone.
But if she does, and she insists on denigrating the efforts of myself, Rich PezzulloJohn McCann, and other Republicans challenging members of New Jersey’s Democrat congressional delegation who offer nothing but ineffective and embarrassing “representation” for our State and its people, then she has no business pretending otherwise by attending the Middlesex County Republican Organization event on October 5th.
Daryl Kipnis is a Central Jersey attorney and the 2018 Republican nominee for the 12th Congressional District

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