Sunday, September 2, 2018

This 'Shooter' Wouldn't Harm A Flea . . .

He's a shooter.
A real sharpshooter.
Nah, not that kinda shooter!
But he does have an incredibly keen eye and an uncanny ability to get his camera to do incredible things. And he's been excelling at what he does for decades, winning countless awards and accolades along the way.
He's dapper. He's distinctive. He's different. And he's one of the most authentic characters you'll ever meet.
He's legendary photographer Joe DelPalazzo -- a guy who's captured the essence of the famous, the infamous and everyone in between. From Ronald Reagan, Frank Sinatra and Queen Elizabeth to the neglected and the outcast, Joe has photographed them all with an eye that remains unequalled in the business.
CLICK HERE to take a trip with Joe through his pictures as Dan Cirucci unspools his story on The Advocates. This is a journey you won't forget!

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