Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Last Week, THEY Upped Your Gas Tax AGAIN!

Last week, New Jersey's gas tax went up again.
And now, you're paying more at the pump with one of the highest gas taxes in the country.
Listed below (and highlighted in yellow) are members of the New Jersey State Senate and the State Assembly who voted YES to increase your gas tax by 23 cents per gallon, with automatic increases (such as last week's) in subsequent years. Remember these scoundrels!
State Assembly:

Andrzejczak, Bob - No    Auth, Robert - No    Barclay, Arthur - Yes

Benson, Daniel R. - Yes    Bramnick, Jon M. - Yes    Brown, Chris A. - No

Bucco, Anthony M. - No    Burzichelli, John J. - Yes    Caputo, Ralph R. - Yes

Caride, Marlene - Yes    Carroll, Michael Patrick - No    Chaparro, Annette - Yes

Chiaravalloti, Nicholas - Yes    Ciattarelli, Jack M. - No    Clifton, Robert D. - No

Conaway, Herb, Jr. - Yes    Coughlin, Craig J. - Yes    Dancer, Ronald S. - No

Danielsen, Joe - Yes    DeAngelo, Wayne P. - Yes    DeCroce, BettyLou - Yes

DiMaio, John - No    Downey, Joann - No    Egan, Joseph V. - Yes

Eustace, Tim - Yes    Giblin, Thomas P. - Yes    Gove, DiAnne C. - No

Green, Jerry - No    Greenwald, Louis D. - Yes    Gusciora, Reed - Yes

Handlin, Amy H. - No    Holley, Jamel C. - Not Voting    Houghtaling, Eric - No

Howarth, Joe - Yes    Jasey, Mila M. - Yes J   imenez, Angelica M. - Yes

Johnson, Gordon M. - Yes    Jones, Patricia Egan - Yes    Karabinchak, Robert J. - Yes

Kean, Sean T. - Yes    Kennedy, James J. - Yes    Lagana, Joseph A. - Yes

Lampitt, Pamela R. - Not Voting    Land, R. Bruce - No    Mazzeo, Vincent - No

McGuckin, Gregory P. - No    McKeon, John F. - Yes    McKnight, Angela V. - Yes

Moriarty, Paul D. - Yes    Mosquera, Gabriela M. - Yes    Mukherji, Raj - Yes

Munoz, Nancy F. - Not Voting    Muoio, Elizabeth Maher - Yes    O'Scanlon, Declan J., Jr. - Yes

Oliver, Sheila Y. - No    Peterson, Erik - No    Phoebus, Gail - No

Pinkin, Nancy J. - Yes    Pintor Marin, Eliana - Yes    Prieto, Vincent - Yes

Quijano, Annette - Not Voting    Rible, David P. - Yes    Rodriguez-Gregg, Maria - Yes

Rumana, Scott T. - Not Voting    Rumpf, Brian E. - No    Russo, David C. - Not Voting

Schaer, Gary S. - Yes    Schepisi, Holly - No    Singleton, Troy - Yes

Space, Parker - No    Sumter, Shavonda E. - Yes    Taliaferro, Adam J. - Not Voting

Tucker, Cleopatra G. - Not Voting    Vainieri Huttle, Valerie - Yes    Watson, Blonnie R. - Yes

Webber, Jay - No    Wimberly, Benjie E. - Yes    Wisniewski, John S. - No

Wolfe, David W. - No    Zwicker, Andrew - No
State Senate:

Addiego, Dawn Marie - Yes    Allen, Diane B. - No    Bateman, Christopher - No   

Beach, James - Yes    Beck, Jennifer - No    Bucco, Anthony R. - No   Cardinale, Gerald - No

Codey, Richard J. - Yes    Connors, Christopher J. - No   Cruz-Perez, Nilsa - Yes 

Cunningham, Sandra B. - Yes    Diegnan, Patrick J., Jr. - Yes   Doherty, Michael J. - No 

Gill, Nia H. - No    Gordon, Robert M. - Yes   Greenstein, Linda R. - Yes    

Holzapfel, James W. - No    Kean, Thomas H., Jr. - No   Kyrillos, Joseph M., Jr. - Yes 

Lesniak, Raymond J. - No    Madden, Fred H., Jr. - Yes   O'Toole, Kevin J. - Yes   

Oroho, Steven V. - Yes    Pennacchio, Joseph - No   Pou, Nellie - Yes    Rice, Ronald L. - Yes 

Ruiz, M. Teresa - Not Voting   Sacco, Nicholas J. - Yes    Sarlo, Paul A. - Yes    

Scutari, Nicholas P. - Yes   Singer, Robert W. - Yes    Smith, Bob - Yes    Stack, Brian P. - Yes

Sweeney, Stephen M. - Yes    Thompson, Samuel D. - Not Voting    Turner, Shirley K. - No

Van Drew, Jeff - No    Vitale, Joseph F. - Yes    Weinberg, Loretta - Not Voting  

Whelan, Jim - Yes

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