Tuesday, October 2, 2018

More GOOD News The Media Have Been Hiding!

There's good news from a current Harvard-Harris poll!
  • If the FBI review finds no corroborating evidence, 60% of voters support the confirmation of Kavanaugh. . . . 
  • A majority of voters believe that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process was politicized and mishandled, with 69% calling it a “national disgrace”. They blame both parties for being partisan, with 54% blaming the Republicans and 55% blaming Democrats. Further, 75% of voters believe that Senator Diana Feinstein should have immediately turned over the letter from Christine Ford to the Senate Judiciary committee in July, when she received it. . . . 
  • The Kavanaugh nomination battle also appears to have further polarized the political environment, with 45% of voters saying they are more likely to vote in the midterm elections. Ultimately, 63% of voters believe Kavanaugh will be confirmed. . . .
And, there's more good news -- this time from the Quinnipiac poll. 
  • The latest poll shows that, heading into next month's election, the Democrat generic ballot congressional lead has been cut in HALF from 14% last month to just 7% now!
But, wait -- it just keeps getting better:
  • An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll from Sept. 23, just a week after the allegations were known, showed interest in the election among white men at 64 percent, higher than in 2010 when Republicans retook the House and 2014 when the GOP took control of the Senate.

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