Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christmas Debuts Amidst 'American Treasures'

Christmas at the White House

Yesterday, First Lady Melania Trump unveiled the 2018 Christmas decorations at the White House. This year’s theme, fittingly called “American Treasures,” brings a spirit of patriotism to the holiday by honoring the unique heritage of our Nation.

“This is a joyous time of year when we decorate the White House for the Christmas Season,” the First Lady said. “Thank you to the many volunteers and staff who worked hard to decorate the halls of the People’s House in Christmas cheer. On behalf of my family, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

The White House will host more than 100 open houses, many receptions, and more than 30,000 people on public tours this holiday season.

This morning, the First Lady joined Second Lady Karen Pence to kick off the “season of giving” by volunteering their time at the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. Joined by spouses of both Cabinet officials and military service members, they assembled care packages for American troops currently stationed abroad.  

Watch the First Lady unveil the 2018 White House Christmas decorations.

The story: Behind this year’s Christmas theme, “American Treasures”

Criminal justice reform, Texas style

In Mississippi yesterday, President Trump explained his support for the FIRST STEP Act, a bill that will bring much-needed reform to America’s prison system.

“I think we all want the same thing,” the President said. “We want safer communities. We want people to have better opportunities and a better life.” The legislation, which is drawing strong bipartisan support, would enact reasonable sentencing reforms to ensure fairness while keeping the most dangerous criminals off the street. “Tough on crime but also smart on crime,” President Trump calls it.

“A lot of great places” have done criminal justice reform at the state level, he added, including Texas, Kentucky, and Georgia. “You know, you think of Texas as a tough law-and-order state, and they’ve done it . . . and in Georgia, where the Governor has been speaking about it like it’s almost a miracle.”

Kushner and Philipson: How to fix an expensive, ineffective system

WatchPresident Trump’s Mississippi roundtable on the FIRST STEP Act

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks 
First Lady Melania Trump helps volunteers assemble military comfort kits for deployed American troops at the American Red Cross Headquarters in Washington, D.C.  | November 27, 2018

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