Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Numbers? Undeniably OFF THE CHARTS!

Jobs Smash Estimates With Gain of 250,000, Wage Gains Pass 3% for First Time Since Recession
Yesterday’s new jobs numbers are a homerun for American workers: “Job growth blew past expectations in October and year-over-year wage gains jumped past 3 percent for the first time since the Great Recession,” Jeff Cox reports. “The unemployment rate stayed at 3.7 percent, the lowest since December 1969 . . . But the bigger story may be wage growth, which has been the missing piece of the economic recovery.” 
DHS: Caravan Migrants from 20 Countries, Include 270 Convicted Criminals
-Washington Examiner
The Department of Homeland Security reported this week that people from at least 20 countries—not just citizens of Guatemala and Honduras—make up the two caravan groups approaching the U.S. border, Anna Giaritelli writes. “Over 270 individuals along the caravan route have criminal histories, including known gang membership. Those include a number of violent criminals,” a DHS statement read.
WatchPresident Trump addresses America’s border crisis from the White House
Wages and Salaries Jump by 3.1%, Highest Level in a Decade
“On a yearly basis, wages and salaries jumped 3.1 percent, the biggest increase in 10 years,” CNBC reports. Pay increases had been a missing link in the Obama economic “recovery.” This week’s wage news “came the same day that ADP and Moody’s reported private payroll growth of 227,000 in October, easily beating Wall Street expectations.” 
Hispanic Unemployment Rate Dips to Record Low in October
-CNS News
“The national seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos in the U.S. labor force fell to the lowest level on record in October of 2018,” Craig Bannister writes. “In October, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos, aged 16 and up, was 4.4%, down from 4.5% in September.” 
Trump Visits Pittsburgh Synagogue to Pay Respects to Victims of Massacre
-Fox News
On Tuesday, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where a gunman killed 11 Jewish Americans in the worst anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history last weekend. “Accompanied by Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, the president and first lady laid white roses and stones from the White House - a Jewish tradition - at the makeshift memorial,” Andrew O’Reilly reports. 
U.S. Consumer Confidence Surged in October to 18-Year High
-The Wall Street Journal
“A measure of U.S. consumer confidence rose in October to an almost two-decade high, as Americans expected economic and jobs growth to power ahead,” Sharon Nunn reports. “U.S. consumer confidence rose to 137.9 in October, the highest level since September 2000.” 
Manufacturing Jobs Up 32,000 in October, 434,000 Under Trump
-CNS News
“Manufacturing jobs in the United States increased by 32,000 in October and have now increased by 434,000 during the presidency of Donald Trump,” Terence P. Jeffrey reports. American manufacturing employment peaked in 1979 and has been making a comeback under President Trump. 
Trump: Pledge for More Career Opportunities Helped 6 Million
-The Associated Press
“Four months after signing an executive order creating the National Council for the American Worker, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that more than 160 companies and organizations have pledged to provide more than 6 million new career opportunities for Americans,” including apprenticeships, continuing education, on-the-job training, and reskilling, The Associated Press reports.

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