Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Perilous Situation At America's Border

Yesterday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and officers effectively and professionally managed an extremely dangerous situation involving more than 1,000 individuals who sought to enter the United States illegally.

CBP was forced to close the San Ysidro Port of Entry (POE) near San Diego, California, to ensure public safety and security. The POE remained closed for about 5 hours. After attempting and being prevented from entering, a group of migrants tried to breach legacy border fence infrastructure and sought to harm CBP personnel by throwing projectiles. 

Four agents were struck by projectiles—most likely rocks—but were wearing protective gear and did not suffer serious injuries.

As they dispersed a violent crowd, CBP made more than 60 arrests. Of the thousand or so protestors involved, only a handful of minors were present. The vast majority of participants were single male adults.

Both American and Mexican officials say these actions are not consistent with peaceful asylum seekers. On Friday, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum declared a humanitarian crisis in his city, which he said was struggling to accommodate the influx. “No city in the world is prepared to receive this,” he said.

U.S. Border Patrol leaders have made clear that a wall is needed to preserve law and order. “One thing we saw that we could absolutely use yesterday was infrastructure,” Border Patrol Chief of Law Enforcement Operations Brian Hastings said. “That infrastructure was breached yesterday. We are repairing it now, but without a doubt, we could use a wall in an area like that.”

President Trump: No one gets a free pass to enter America illegally.

Big pictureHow our weak asylum laws make everyone worse off

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