Sunday, December 2, 2018

And The Horse's Ass Award Goes To . . . .

Warm, generous, thoughtful statements about President George H. W. Bush are pouring in from leaders and ordinary citizens all over the world.
The response has been overwhelming as people remember a kind, decent and caring man who led our nation with grace and dignity. Even those who disagreed with him politically from time to time have put aside whatever differences they may have had to remember an American hero and patriot on the occasion of his passing. As evidence of this, you need look no further than Bill Clinton, the man who defeated #41 in 1992 and became the 42nd President of the United States. President Clinton praises President Bush and to this day looks up to him as a sort of father figure.
But there's a jerk in every crowd -- someone who doesn't have the common sense or good manners of good breeding to do what is right and proper at a time like this.
And so the horse's ass award goes to Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney who felt the need to take a swipe at the late president for his "failed war on drugs" and policies "surrounding the AIDS epidemic." Yes, Mayor Kenney apparently felt he'd take this opportunity to try to pander and score political points on the occasion of a great leader's death.
In so doing, the mayor only showed how mean and petty he really is.
Shame on you, Jim Kenney.

Click here to see more from the Dan Cirucci Blog.

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