Thursday, January 3, 2019

Kim Breaks His Promise On His FIRST Vote!

 "It’s time we have new leadership on both sides of the aisle in Washington to get the job done.” - Candidate Andy Kim, 6/23/18 
"Pelosi" - Congressman Andy Kim voting on House Speaker, 1/3/19 
Votes: 1; Broken campaign promises: 1

Well, this is precisely why Donald Trump won.
He says it. He means it. He does it.
But, like most Democrats (and many Republicans) Andy Kim says one thing, doesn't mean it and then does something entirely different from what he promised -- in fact, the polar opposite!
Andy Kim is all about getting elected and re-elected -- all about himself. He needs Pelosi's Big Buck$ to get re-elected in two years. 
So, his promise to YOU is out the window.
And he's betting you'll never even remember.

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