Thursday, January 31, 2019

More Progress With China Than With Democrats!

“On any given day some 2,000 individuals attempt to come into our Country illegally,” Vice President Mike Pence said today. Every day that our border remains unsecure is a gift for human traffickers, drug cartels, and gang members—and a loss for Americans who believe the rule of law shouldn’t disappear at our doorstep.

Watch President Donald J. Trump’s new video on border security.

‘Why are we fighting over this?’ asks Democrat 

Yesterday, Republicans and Democrats from both houses of Congress met to begin negotiating a deal to fix America’s broken border security. President Trump set a deadline of February 15 for Congress to reach a bipartisan agreement.

It shouldn’t be difficult. Both parties say they want border security, and the evidence is overwhelming that physical barriers must be a part of any solution. They not only cut down on illegal immigration, but they protect our brave law enforcement officers from having to confront dangerous smugglers and traffickers on American soil.

Outside of the far-left fringe, many Democrats actually agree. Recently, a number of lawmakers began to distance themselves from the abolish-ICE, open-borders activists: 
  • “Give Trump the money,” Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) says. “Why are we fighting over this?”
  • “There are gaps” along the border, Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) explains. “For many of us, there’s not really doubt that some kind of physical barrier is necessary.”
  • “Where folks say we need additional barrier protections, I’m all for it,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) says.
  • “I will vote for efforts to secure our Southern border that are done in an effective and efficient way,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) tweets. “And if that includes additional physical barriers, then I would support that.”
The question is who will win—sensible Democrats who are accountable to their constituents, or Democratic leaders who are accountable to their fringe base?

Just this week, Border Patrol arrests MS-13 gang member and attempted murderer

MoreLargest fentanyl drug bust in history at border—enough to kill 50 million 

President Trump receives letter from China

Today in the Oval Office, a delegation led by Liu He, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, met with President Trump and senior Administration officials to discuss a new trade deal between the two global powers.

The delegation read a letter to President Trump from Chinese President Xi Jinping. “I hope our two sides will continue to work with mutual respect,” President Xi wrote, reaffirming that both leaders continue to maintain a close working relationship.

“That’s a beautiful letter,” President Trump said. For the past two days, high-ranking officials from the United States and China have participated in intense and productive negotiations in Washington. The Trump Administration is focused on reaching meaningful commitments on structural issues and deficit reduction.

Statement of the United States regarding trade talks with China

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour 
President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and Cabinet members, welcomes Chinese Vice Premier Liu He to the Oval Office | January 31, 2019

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