Monday, January 28, 2019

NJ State Senator Says She's Switching Parties . . . .

Statement from Senator Dawn M. Addiego:

As gridlock in Washington dominates the news, it has become increasingly clear that in order to effect change you have to be part of the discussion and not on the outside looking in. The people of the 8th District did not elect me to be content in the role of loyal opposition.

I have had the opportunity over the course of the last year to work closely with Senate President Sweeney on the Economic and Fiscal Policy Work Group. His tireless work ethic and unparalleled success at delivering for the people of NJ and particularly South Jersey is to be admired.

I am utterly convinced, as he is, that New Jersey’s current fiscal mess cannot be fixed by putting our heads in the sand and pretending it does not exist.

My core values that originally drew me to the Republican Party have not changed, but the party which once echoed the vision of Ronald Reagan no longer exists.

Oil drilling off our coast and tax policy which unfairly penalizes New Jersey families are just a few examples of a National Republican Party that has lost its way.

After careful consideration, I have made the decision to change political affiliations.

I am looking forward to working with both parties, the Governor and all legislators to make New Jersey a better place for our families.

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