Wednesday, February 13, 2019

No More Paying For The Rich World's Medicine!

After today’s Cabinet meeting, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar took a moment to explain how America’s seniors are footing the drug bills for patients in some of the richest countries in the world. 

“So under President Trump, what we’ve found is that in our Medicare program for senior citizens, for the drugs that doctors administer in their offices to patients . . . we’re paying 180 percent of what the Europeans, the Canadians, and the Japanese are paying for the exact same drugs,” Secretary Azar says. “Pharma is making all their profit here in the United States, and then they’re giving these sweetheart deals in the other countries.”

Putting American patients first has been core to President Trump’s agenda since day one. Last week, during his second State of the Union address, he called on Congress to join him: “The next major priority for me, and for all of us, should be to lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, and to protect patients with preexisting conditions.”

AlreadyPresident Trump’s efforts to put patients in control have resulted in the single largest decline in drug prices in 46 years. The FDA approved a record number of generic drugs in 2017 and 2018 as alternatives to expensive brand-name medicines. All told, these approvals have saved customers a staggering $26 billion.

The next chapter in the fight against high drug prices is increasing transparency and ending the practice of global free-riding. Hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies should be required to disclose real prices to patients to drive costs down. And Americans must get a share of whatever discounts other wealthy countries receive.

“This is wrong, this is unfair, and together we will stop it,” President Trump said last Tuesday. “And we’ll stop it fast.”

Watch: It’s time to stop paying for the rich world’s medicine.

Read: “How Team Trump is bringing drug prices down”

President Trump: Every option is on the table to make sure the wall is built 

“I’ll have to study it,” President Trump said today about an emerging proposal in Congress to address border security funding. But one thing remains nonnegotiable: “It’s very simple. We’re building a wall.”

Experts on the ground have made it clear that physical barriers are needed, and progress is being made. “We just started a big, big section on the Rio Grande. You probably saw it,” the President told reporters today. “I never kid about construction.”

The President kicked off today’s Cabinet meeting by reminding Americans of his message in last week’s State of the Union address. “I am eager to work with both parties to deliver for all Americans,” he said—and that means for immigration reform and beyond.

Watch President Trump open today’s Cabinet meeting.

MoreDemocrats want to cut ICE. “We are not going to let that happen.”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian 
President Donald J. Trump holds a Cabinet meeting | February 12, 2019

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