Wednesday, February 27, 2019

'Phony Phil' Rocked By Yet Another Scandal!

From our friends at Save Jersey (reprinted with permission);

Al Alvarez was only the tip of the corruption iceberg, Save Jerseyans.
On Monday, reported that the Schools Development Authority (SDA), where the man accused of raping Murphy campaign volunteer Katie Brennan was employed, recently fired 26 employees to make way for 38 new hires. Many of those new hires allegedly have personal relationships with senior Murphy Administration officials.
The “restructuring” also led to a major bump in Alvarez’s pay before, infamously, he resigned after the Wall Street Journal began probing Katie Brennan’s allegations.
Click here for the full story.
“This is another example of the Murphy administration’s nepotistic culture.  Time and again it becomes evident that personal relationships are more important than anything else,” said Jon Bramnick (R-21), the Assembly Republican minority leader, reacting to the latest scandal to rock the year-old Murphy Administration.
News of the nepotism scandal has also lead to fresh calls to expand existing inquires into the Murphy Administration’s myriad of questionable hiring practices.
“There is a disturbing pattern of questionable hires by the Murphy Administration that has never been investigated in full or reasonably explained,” said Steven Oroho (R-24), who sits on the select committee currently investigating the Murphy Administration’s hiring practices. “The tone at the top sets the standard for all administrations. So we need to understand how this administration seemed unable to uncover concerns that could have been found with simple Internet searches. And in some cases, it seems likely that the Governor was aware of concerns or employment prohibitions and yet they were still approved. To prevent a recurrence, the select committee must understand how our State’s employment processes failed or were bypassed in each of these instances. We can’t fulfill our mission if the committee’s work is cut short.”
Other Murphy hiring scandals include:

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