Friday, February 15, 2019

Trump Emergency Move On 'Firm' Legal Footing?

“President Trump will have the law on his side when he uses the power of his office to secure the U.S. border with Mexico,” writes former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joseph DiGenova in the New York Daily News.
“The current political reality in Washington ensures that the crisis on our southern border will continue to go unresolved unless the executive branch steps in. Fortunately, both the Constitution and the Congress have placed the authority to do so firmly with the President of the United States.”
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In the Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard reports that “Congress approved historic funding levels for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and border patrol, added miles to the border wall, and increased the cap on criminal illegal immigrants that can be jailed. Insiders who worked on the deal said that compared to going along with a spending continuing resolution, the GOP scored several wins.” 
Yesterday, First Lady Melania Trump “brought Valentine’s Day cards to young patients being treated at the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health” and spent the afternoon making arts and crafts with about a dozen children and their siblings, Caitlin Yilek reports in the Washington Examiner. The First Lady “was gifted a silver necklace inscribed with ‘faith’ and ‘hope’ from Amani, a 13-year-old from Kenya who has sickle cell disease and is preparing for a bone marrow transplant. Amani has a bracelet to match the necklace he gave the first lady.” 
The Bloomberg editorial board writes that President Trump is launching a smart artificial intelligence plan “to ensure the U.S. keeps up in an increasingly crucial industry.” The President’s plan, “dubbed the ‘American AI Initiative,’ is a measured response [that] directs federal agencies to invest more in artificial-intelligence R&D, share data and computer models with outside researchers, establish clear technical standards, boost workforce development, and otherwise prioritize the technology.” 
In USA Today, Daniel Di Martino, a Venezuelan expatriate, writes that America must resist the socialist policies that destroyed his home country. “In his recent State of the Union address, President Donald Trump said: ‘The United States will never be a socialist country.’ I sincerely hope the president is right, and that every American can resist the lure of false promises.”

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