Saturday, February 9, 2019

You Don't Want To Miss These Stories . . . .

With Pitch for Unity, Trump Urges Republicans and Democrats to ‘Choose Greatness’
-Washington Examiner
“President Trump in his State of the Union address Tuesday night issued a call for unity and an end to the political divisiveness that has ensnared Washington,” Melissa Quinn reports. During the speech—with its theme of “choosing greatness”—President Trump laid out five priorities that should unite both parties in Washington: “American jobs and fair trade, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, reducing the price of healthcare and prescription drugs, creating a safe and lawful immigration system, and pursuing a foreign policy agenda that ‘puts America’s interests first.’”
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union Changed History on Tuesday Night
-Fox News
“Every once in a while a speech is so effective and powerful it changes the trajectory of history. President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address was that kind of speech,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich writes. “The emotions of Tuesday night matched anything President Reagan achieved in his addresses to Congress.”
EDITORIAL: Trump's State of the Union Speech Probably Ranks Among History's Best
-The Gazette
“Leading up to Tuesday night, we heard about the president’s intention to unify a country seldom so divided. So we expected a lot of easy talk about holding hands and trying to get along. This was more than words, at some points becoming an event that included women in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s caucus cheering the president as if they supported him,” The Gazette editorial board writes.
Three-Quarters Approve of Trump Speech: Polls
-The Hill
Tal Axelrod reports that roughly three-quarters of American viewers approved of President Trump’s State of the Union address, according to CNN and CBS News polls. “Seventy-six percent approved of the speech in the CBS poll, with 24 percent saying they disapproved,” Axelrod writes. The most telling stat: CBS found that “about 82 percent of independents in that survey who watched the speech liked what they heard.”
Ivanka Trump: Empower Women to Foster Freedom
-The Wall Street Journal
This week, President Trump signed a “memorandum establishing the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, or W-GDP,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes. “This initiative aims to help 50 million women in developing countries realize their economic potential by 2025 . . . Expanding women’s economic participation has the potential to boost global economic output by an additional $12 trillion by 2025.”
HHS Secretary Azar: How Team Trump is Bringing Drug Prices Down
-New York Post
“As Americans heard Tuesday in the State of the Union Address, the president is committed to improving fairness and transparency in health care,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar writes. “The president is going to keep charging ahead with delivering better care at more transparent, lower prices. That’s what it looks like to put American patients first, and that’s what he will deliver.”
Transportation Secretary Chao: Dems and GOP Should Join With Trump to Fund Infrastructure Improvements
-Fox News
Throughout the 20th century, infrastructure was essential to growing America into one of the most powerful economies in the world. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao writes that it’s time for both Democrats and Republicans to join with President Trump to fund infrastructure improvements. “Today, aging and insufficient infrastructure threatens to impede America’s economic growth and impact quality of life in many areas.”
Time for the World to Get Behind David Malpass for World Bank President
-The Hill
“The World Bank is an important institution and is often underappreciated and misunderstood in Washington D.C. It’s clear that David Malpass understands what the World Bank is and what it can do,” Daniel Runde writes. “Given that the U.S. has put forward a strong candidate, now would be the time for Japan, Europe, and other allied countries of the United States to come forward and support candidate Malpass.”

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