Tuesday, March 5, 2019

And The Next Governor Of NJ Will Be . . .

As Phony Phil continues to Phlounder, many New Jerseyans are already looking past the in-debt, incompetent, scandal-ridden Murphy administration to 2021 and New Jersey's next governor.
What qualities should characterize the next Governor of New Jersey?
Well, it almost goes without saying that he or she should be a Republican.
After all, in more than 40 years, no Democrat governor has been elected to a second term in New Jersey. None. Zero. Nada.
But that doesn't mean that it will be easy for a Democrat to win. And while Tom Kean, Christie Whitman and Chris Christie all ended Democrat rule in the state, none of them were initially elected by huge margins. They all had to fight tooth and nail to win.
At the New Jersey GOP Leadership Summit this past weekend, Governor Christie laid out the four characteristics that the 2021 Republican gubernatorial candidate must process:

1) Fearless
To Christie, this means the candidate must be willing to take chances. He or she needs to move boldly, right from the start, to win. When you take chances you can throw your opponent off guard and reset the race in your favor.

2) Tireless
The candidate must literally be indefatigable. "You've got to be willing to do three fund-raising events a night and it's more than just showing up," Christie explains. "You've got t be smiling and cheerful for the last event just as you were for the first. That's what people expect. That's what they deserve."

3) Interesting
"New Jerseyans don't like cooking-cutter candidates." Christie says. "They don't like someone who's boring. They don't like someone who's tactical. They want someone who connects with them on an emotional level." So, you've got to be interesting.

4) A Fighter
You've got to be willing to fight ad fight hard. Christie believes in fighting not just for the things you believe in but in fighting back when you're attacked. Better yet, come out fighting and go on the attack right from the start. As the Governor has often said: "Politics ain't bean bag."

Who will fit this bill?
Who will be the best GOP candidate for governor?
Stay tuned!

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