Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Eliminate Deficit In 15 Years? There's A Plan!

“President Donald Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal would eliminate the federal deficit in 15 years, add new work requirements for welfare recipients, and fund additional construction of a border wall,” Fred Lucas reports for The Daily Signal.
“We have more reforms than any other president’s budget in history, but, look, what has happened for far too long is that Congress has blamed mandatory spending and then increased discretionary spending, which they have a vote on every single year by large degrees,” White House Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russ Vought said.
Click here to read more.
In an interview with Breitbart News yesterday, President Trump said he does not want immigrants coming to the United States to be dependent on welfare programs. “We have a problem, because we have politicians that are not strong, or they have bad intentions, or they want to get votes, because they think if they come in they’re going to vote Democrat, you know, for the most part,” the President explained. 
“More than 2,000 people in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody are being quarantined amid an outbreak of mumps and other diseases,” Geneva Sands, Michelle Lou, and Susan Scutti report for CNN. “The numbers of immigrants in custody with a contagious diseases has spiked in the past year. For the previous two years, the agency has not encountered a single case of mumps among its detainees.” 
The Boston Herald editorial board writes that Democrats are giving anti-Semitism safe harbor in their party. “It is remarkable that we find ourselves in a situation where the new faces of the Democrats in Congress speak freely in extremist terms and the rest of the party’s power structure is afraid to tamp it down in any real way. We must call on elected leaders to condemn hateful rhetoric rather than attempt to curry favor with a freshman congressman from the Bronx.”

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