Sunday, March 3, 2019

NJ GOP Leadership Summit Scores Big Success!

We had a wonderful time at the NJ GOP Leadership Summit in Atlantic City this weekend.
The entire two-day event was a celebration of homespun Republican values and the courageous New Jersey Republicans who continue to fight the good fight for our state and our country on what is largely opposition territory.
Why do these stalwart New Jersey Republicans continue to fight on? Why?
Well, first because they are heirs to the legacy of Abraham Lincoln --the single most compelling figure in all of American history. Lincoln was our first Republican president and often tops the list as the greatest president ever. The Republican Party was founded on the words, actions and principles of Lincoln who said: "right makes might."
New Jersey Republicans know that our cause is right and we will prevail because of that.
In fact, we'll match our record of electing great governors up against he Democrats' anytime. Fact is, in more that 40 years, no Democrat governor of New Jersey has managed to be re-elected. Instead, the Democrats have given us failed governors like Jim Florio, Jim McGreevey and Jon Corzine.
During that same time, we've given our state proven, accomplished two-term governors like Tom Kean, Christie Whitman and Chris Christie. And, all three because prominent national figures.
So, we've much to be proud of and we're looking forward to a whole crop of new Republican leaders for New Jersey.
Which only brings to mind so many of the fine young Republicans we met at this year's conference. Indeed, we met people from all walks of life and from all parts of the state.
In no particular order, here are just some of the many people we met and interacted with at this year's extraordinary event: Governor Christie, Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli, Senator Tom Kean, Jr., pollster Adam Geller, consultant Chris Russell, Assemblywoman Holly Schepesi, Save Jersey founder Matt Rooney, NJ Federation of Republican Woman Chair Angelique Scholl, Atlantic County Young Republican Chair Brian Fitzherbert, More Monmouth Musings founder Art Gallagher, Trump 2020 organizer Ashley Walvkeuch, congressional candidate Seth Gorossman, Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci, Atlantic City Councilman Jesse O. Kurtz, Passaic County GOP Committeewoman Susan Enderly, political coach Melissa Gokmogol, Washington Township Republican Club president Peter Del Borrello, former Morestown school boards member Brandon Pugh, New Jersey Constitutional Republicans founder J. R. Carman, Camden County GOP activist Jeff Booker, Atlantic City Republican Club president Fernando Fernandez, Americans For Prosperity NJ state director Erica Jedynak, Targeted Turnout partner Adam Lester, consultant Paul Rosenberg, Targeted Turnout partner Sean Schafer, veteran and Monmouth University student Jarrett Branch, longtime Young Republicans' activist Matt Filosa and so many more.
We'll have additional  posts on this conference but, for now -- thanks to everybody!

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