Wednesday, March 27, 2019

On The Green New Deal, The Dems Are YELLOW!

The Washington Examiner editorial board writes that the Green New Deal is a profoundly embarrassing and politically damaging proposal for Democrats—which is probably why not a single one of them voted for it yesterday.

“Faced with a day-of debate on their own embarrassing resolution, Democrats spent their floor time trying to blame Republicans for not taking global warming seriously enough. But if Democrats took it seriously, and didn't just view it as a potential source of donations from gullible millenarian millennials, they would not have fallen in line behind this ludicrous unicorns-and-rainbows proposal in the first place.”

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“Attorney General William Barr told Congress Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller did not find collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, destroying two years of media speculation and bad reporting,” Amber Athey writes in The Daily Caller. “In light of Mueller concluding his investigation, we’ve compiled a list of some of the worst media screwups in the history of Russia theories.” 
Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has dispatched the Russia collusion theories, The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes, one has to ask “how did the partisan propaganda known as the Steele dossier become the basis for an unprecedented FBI probe of a presidential campaign, an abuse of law enforcement, and two years of media and political hysteria?  . . . Its authors and promoters should be held accountable.” 
“House Democrats on Tuesday failed to override President Trump’s first veto as part of their battle over border security, representing a victory for the administration that allows the president's declaration of a national emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border to stand,” Andrew O’Reilly reports for Fox News. President Trump called it a “BIG WIN today.” 
“Ivanka Trump is coming back to Kentucky. The adviser to President Donald Trump will tour Toyota’s largest manufacturing plant in Georgetown on Thursday,” The Associated Press reports. “Toyota Motor North America CEO Jim Lentz and Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky President Susan Elkington are scheduled to sign the White House’s Pledge to American Workers,” an “effort to encourage private employers to adequately train their workers.”

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