Friday, March 15, 2019

Reaching New Generations With Powerful Message!

We're delighted to pass on this special message from the Young America's Foundation:

Something extraordinary happened at one of the most liberal schools in the nation. 
Through Young America’s Foundation’s Fred Allen Lecture Series, 1,000 students and community members greeted Ben Shapiro in a raucous standing ovation as he took the stage at the University of Michigan. 
Free tickets sold out in minutes, and 6,000 people requested standby tickets. 
In addition, more than 120,000 watched Ben's lecture live on YAF's YouTube Channel, YAFtv
If you missed this breakthrough event organized by our Young Americans for Freedom chapter, you can watch it now! 
WATCH: Ben Shapiro at the University of Michigan
Young America's Foundation is the only group organizing these key, impactful events featuring Ben Shapiro and other leading conservative speakers. In addition to Shapiro, Dr. Arthur LafferKatie PavlichChristina Hoff SommersMichael KnowlesRachel Campos-DuffyDinesh D’Souza, and many other Conservative Movement leaders work hand-in-hand with YAF to reach students nationwide.

This is a large part of what makes Young America’s Foundation the leading youth organization in the Conservative Movement.  We’re #1 in reaching the largest numbers of high school and college students, and #1 in providing them with the most inspiring experiences. No other organization comes close.

In addition to YAF's breakthrough lectures, you can also tune in to our High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch going on right now! Our latest sold-out program includes Michael Reagan, Alex Marlow, Rachel Campos-Duffy, Bay Buchanan, Liz Wheeler, and Larry O’Connor. Watch these speakers' sessions and more via YAF Virtual Pass.

We are reaching more students than ever before!

In Freedom,

Ron Robinson
President, Young America's Foundation

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