Saturday, March 2, 2019

REAL New You Don't Wanna Miss . . .

Thank You, Tax Reform
-The Wall Street Journal
This week, the White House Council of Economic Advisers reported that America’s economy achieved 3 percent growth for the first time in 13 years in 2018. “The American economy is a tremendous engine of prosperity when politicians get out of the way, and for proof look no further than Thursday’s report on fourth-quarter growth,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. “Tax reform and deregulation, take a bow.”
More2018—A Banner Year for the U.S. Economy
President Trump Thanks Fiat Chrysler for ‘Coming Back to the USA’
-Detroit Free Press
On Tuesday, Fiat Chrysler announced that Detroit, Michigan, “will get a Jeep factory, the Motor City’s first new auto assembly plant in a generation, as part of a $4.5 billion manufacturing expansion that will mean nearly 6,500 new jobs,” Amy Huschka reports. With jobs coming back to the Midwest thanks to the promise of the new U.S.–Mexico–Canada Agreement, President Trump praised the move: “Thank you Fiat Chrysler. They are all coming back to the USA, it’s where the action is!” 
In Hanoi, Trump Won By Walking Away
-New York Post
“Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times,” President Donald J. Trump said as he prepared to leave Vietnam following his summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un this week. Good for the President, the New York Post editorial board says. “Just what we expected in noting the other day that ‘his history suggests he’s always willing to walk away from a deal that’s not good enough.’”  
America’s Students Deserve Freedom to Choose Their Education Options
-USA Today
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) write too many American children are being denied a great education—and that the government’s outdated approach isn’t helping. “That’s why on Thursday we [put] forward a historic investment in America’s students: the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.” 
Pence Hits Venezuela with New Sanctions, Promises ‘Even Stronger’ Measures Ahead
-NBC News
“Vice President Mike Pence on Monday announced new sanctions against Venezuelan government officials and called on allies to freeze the assets of the state-owned oil company after a deadly weekend in which U.S. aid was blocked from entering the crisis-stricken country,” Carmen Sesin reports. While in Columbia this week, the Vice President met with Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaido, whom President Trump officially recognized as Venezuela’s head of state in January. 
Trump Slams Senate Democrats on Born Alive Bill: ‘One of the Most Shocking Votes in the History of Congress’
-The Daily Caller
“President Donald Trump reacted on Twitter Monday evening after the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would have ensured that babies who survive abortions are given medical attention, failed to pass the Senate,” Evie Fordham reports. “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress,” the President tweeted.  
Trump Praises Purchases by Vietnamese Airlines
-Washington Examiner
“The White House on Wednesday praised airlines in Vietnam for signing agreements to purchase more than $20 billion in U.S.-built planes and technology. President Trump and Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong attended a signing ceremony that involved trade deals between a number of airline companies based in the two countries,” Zachary Halaschak writes.

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